


  • The Good
  • MVP created under 1.5 weeks by using an Agile approach to the whole process
  • An easy way to keep track of logs, projects, books and blog posts
  • Basic achievements that can be unlocked
  • The Bad
  • Used but changed a lot of the CSS styling
  • The achievements are based only on the number of posts with certain categories
  • The documentation isn't created in the easiest way to read
  • The Ugly
  • The calendar needs the script to be added to the end of every page
  • The UI looks a bit wonky on iPad screen resolutions
  • Unable to click on the categories and tags

How it all came to be

Last year I participated in the #100DaysOfCode, initially, it was pretty easy to keep track of my progress but around day 30/40 the log was growing so big that I couldn't go back and check when or what I had done on a certain date.

I've also seen how many new people began coding by taking the #100DaysOfCode and I wanted to give them the possibility to have an easy way to create a portfolio from day one, that's the reason why I choose Jekyll. Someone with little to no coding experience can easily set up their version of the site.

Finally, I thought it would be good to have a way to see the progress at a glance, so the calendar view was added. The achievements was an attempt to add further gamification to the challenge to get people motivated throughout the challenge.



GitHub repo: