This article will show you how to setup DynamoDB locally, so you can test your code without having to use your AWS account.
This article will show you how to create an use indexes in DynamoDB using the python library aioboto3.
Exploration on how to run Pyscript in a React (NextJS) app, this article explores issues and solutions to run PyScript in a React app.
While working on adding tests to Pyscript I came across a use case where I had to check if an example image is always generated the same.
How to return an attribute from a many-to-many object relationship from a Django Ninja API endpoint.
Learn how to allow users to upload a profile picture in your site/app and display on each visit without needing a backend.
When using monorepos it can be a bit confusing how to deploy to gitlab pages from a specific folder, this article will help you with it.
Learn what additional permissions you need to add to your user to get django to run tests with a postgresql database.
Python dataclasses are a powerful feature that allow you to refactor and write cleaner code. This introduction will help you get started with Python dataclasses.
Learn how you can create a docker image with conda installed based of another.
Dask gives you a dashboard when you create a Dask client, in this article I'll share with you how you can install the Dask extension on a JupyterLab notebook.
It can be a bit painful to write full git commands over and over again, so I've created a few aliases to shorten the number of keys I have to press while doing git stuff.
This article is a quick introduction about the Python library Dask. Dask allows you to scale libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-Learn and much more.
This article contains my notes from the online course CS50. On week 1 we start learning about C with a quick introduction of data types, how to create variables and the void type.
Nx makes it easy to work with monorepost, this article will show you how you can use Nx for your projects and talks about some basic commands that will help you.
How to set up an UI element persistent in Gatsby to allow users from Landing in Tech to listen to the latest episode, when navigating the site.
This article contains notes about what I've learned from lesson 6 of Missing Semester - Version Control (git).
How to create a function to filter articles by tag. On this post I am using the javascript filter method to filter all articles.
A quick introduction on how to use the Elasticlurn Plugin for Gatsby together with MDX to create a search bar component and allow users to search your site.
How to add syntax highlighting to gatsby MDX with prism.
How to ignore a file globally without having to add it every single time to your .gitignore file.
A lot of sites make the first letter of a paragraph spread to multiple lines, let me share with you how you can do it.
How an error in the docs CI made me learn a bit more about RST and how to properly highlight a piece of text.
Keeping your dependencies up to date is not always straightforward, let me share with you how you can keep all your dependencies update by running two commands.
Using the command django makemigrations failed, so I had to figure out how to use psql on a docker container and add those columns manually.
Twitch suggests that we should pass a `hub.secret` so we can compare sha-256 hashes and check the authenticity of the request. This is how I did it in Python.
How I came across the need to set a css rule to apply only to Safari and which media queries combination will allow that.
Submit your forms from your Gatsby website directly to your Airtable in a very easy and simple way.
How I solved the issue of testing a function that should call sys.exit() when a yaml file couldn't be safely loaded.
An example from opsdroid on how to test if a logging call was made successfully.
Learn how to implement HTML5 Geolocation API and VueJs together to get the current location of an user.
Using VueJs with Axios to connect to OpenWeatherMap API then we build a simple weather web application.
Vim is still one of the editors that confuse some developers. This introduction will keep you up to speed with this powerful editor.
A problem that I have encountered while working on a Pybites challenge, libraries used and how I have optimized the tweets classifier to be faster.
Working with the command line can be fun and save you plenty of time. These tricks will help you save even more time when you have to repeat commands.
This is an example on how to use the side_effect function from the unittest module to test if the aiohttp exception ClientOSError was raised.
Niebieski is the first theme that I've created from scratch. In this post I look back at what I've learned and the struggles I faced when creating the theme.
The enumerate built-in function it's a great way to iterate over something. Your code will be more readable and you have some flexibility when looping.
Learn how to deal with a git conflict, why it happens and how to fix conflicts directly from your editor.
Learn about git rebase, pulling changes from a master branch and how to keep your git history under control.
Deleting files doesn't mean deleted permanently, learn how to turn back time and recover deleted files.